
A new way to mount ALPR’s

Introducing the Transport Digital patent pending Cam-Clamp mounting system, providing a new way to mount your ALPR cameras…

Inside the vehicle!

The installation process is minimally invasive to the vehicle protecting it’s resale value.


That means no more exterior mounted ALPR’s attracting attention and reducing your ability to scan likely plate hit areas, or costly cuts into the bodywork of vehicles to make the cameras less obvious.  In fact, most Cam-Clamp equipped ALPR camera cars are indistinguishable from a regular passenger vehicle. The Cam-Clamp system can also be fitted directly into most recovery vehicles.

Designed specifically for ALPR equipped vehicles

The old way…

Exterior Front Mount a
Exterior Rear Mount a

The Transport-Digital way…

With the proven Cam-Clamp mounting system, your ALPR cameras stay inside of the vehicle and read through the rear door glass window where they are out of sight from the casual or interested observer.  Not only does this enhance your ability to perform the necessary surveillance, but also adds security for your valuable camera systems.

Contact us us to get pricing and an estimate for installation if needed.